Seven to nine-year olds are what most people consider “the golden age.” They are proficient in their vocabulary and problem-solving skills, yet they are not at the age where they want complete independence from adults. This makes the teacher-student relationship stronger than ever. The problem we discovered is they still lack core skills, and although they are highly intelligent, they struggle to keep up with students ages 10 and up.
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FROM Mrs. Wendy Dwyer
I’m Mrs. Wendy Dwyer here at Elite Leadership Child Development Center & Martial Arts Academy.
As a martial arts instructor with extensive experience training kids, there is nothing better than seeing them grow firsthand.
But more important than the martial arts skills they learn… is the personal skills they develop and carry for life.
Because martial arts is so much more than just kicking and punching, and getting the next colorful belt.
It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus and respect.
With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body and character.
That’s because martial arts provides instant positive feedback. Through learning to focus on the core moves, they develop discipline and respect. They can instantly see and feel a difference, making them destined to build confidence, self-awareness and self-respect.
And of course it’s a ton of FUN!
That’s why I love teaching martial arts to kids in this community, and why I know your kids are going to LOVE training.
So please have a look below to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun martial arts classes.

They sometimes have a hard time concentrating when distractions are present.

They sometimes show excessive fear when they over-process something and struggle with decisions.

They don’t like when something is unfair and will be determined to point it out and be heard.
By understanding the stages of development of 7 to 9-year olds, we were able to select 8 age-appropriate skills that make up the Core SKILLZ Program:
We take Martial Arts training to a whole new level! We use basic elements of a traditional Martial Arts curriculum to build skills that are appropriate for 7 to 9-year olds. This means that your child will learn and grow at a pace that is not too easy, nor too challenging. The best part is the Core SKILLZ program will equip your child with skills that they will utilize in every area of their life!
The solution we found is to provide 7 to 9-year-old kids with their own program that targets their unique needs and abilities based on their stage of development in a manner that adapts to their adventurous attitude and youthful nature while at the same time building skills that set them up for success.
Kids between 7 and 9 years of age typically have weak fine motor skills therefore proficient technique is not quite there yet. Also, they still tend to stumble when their body is in motion therefore advanced movement is still a little sloppy.
We expect them to initially struggle with great technique in their blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances. We also expect them to initially look sloppy when jumping, spinning, switching feet, etc.
The goal of our program is to get them to perform technical blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances while applying power. Also, our goal is to get them to apply speed to motion without looking sloppy.
Core SKILLZ kids are extremely bright, but they typically have a hard time concentrating during distractions.
We expect them to initially lose focus if there are other, more “interesting” things going on around them. We also expect them to forget simple commands mainly because they try to “over-think.”
The goal of our program is to get them to concentrate on the task at hand despite other distractions. Our goal is to also get them to retain simple information without trying to put excessive thought into it.
Kids at this stage of development are wonderfully stable and love challenges. However, they will typically show excessive fear when they over-process something.
We expect them to have emotional stability for the most part on normal days. We also expect them to initially show excessive fear when put on the spot.
The goal of our program is to help them persevere through challenges, especially when they initially feel like giving up. We will also help them face their fears.
Core SKILLZ ninjas love to interact with others, especially adults. However, they typically don’t like when something is unfair and will be determined to point it out and be heard.
We expect them to initially interrupt us when they think something is wrong. We also expect them to show great determination when trying to get their point across.
The goals for our program are to help them know how to address problems and challenges properly without interfering with the overall flow of the class.
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Yes. Kids in the Core SKILLZ program must pay attention to instructors and memorize moves if they wish to advance.
The Core Skillz program teaches kids that they must be accountable for their own behavior and actions. Accountability is essential our martial arts school and it’s a key life skill that kids will take home with them when the class is over.
Yes. It’s normal for kids to experience setbacks when they study martial arts. Some moves may require repeated effort to master, and the process teaches kids to handle disappointment and failure.
Our Core SKILLZ program helps kids to build focus and improve their memorization skills. Each of the skills we teach requires kids to remember what the instructors have told them and – in some cases – to memorize a series of moves. When kids learn how to memorize information, they can use that skill anywhere they need to use it – including in the classroom.
A fixation on fairness is common in kids of this age, but our program helps them understand that sometimes life isn’t fair – and also, to realize that in our martial arts school, all other kids face the same challenges they do.
Our Core SKILLZ curriculum is specifically designed with kids from ages seven to nine in mind. We want to challenge them without overwhelming them – and our instructors know how to motivate them and keep them on track. They’ll learn to accept challenges, not run from them.
Yes. One of the Core "SKILLZ" we teach is courage, which requires kids to dodge targets. While the targets won’t hurt them, they show kids that they can face opposition and still succeed.
Yes. Kids at this age still have some issues with fine motor skills, and we know that they’ll have trouble with some of the moves we teach at first. Our goal is to help them gain control and build strength and agility.
More Benefits

Improves balance and core strength by requiring kids to hold poses.

Teaches the value of persistence by teaching kids how to keep trying even when they don’t get the result they want.

Helps kids build physical speed and control by introducing timed tests for certain skills.

Allows kids to express their opinions in a non-disruptive and respectful way.

Encourages kids to embrace the value of personal responsibility and accountability.

Builds concentration by requiring kids to memorize sequences of moves.

Teaches kids how to interact socially with both peers and instructors.

Kids learn the importance of respecting others and allowing them to speak without interruption.
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